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Evidence Informed Physiotherapy

ACL Rehabilitation


- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are costly and frequent.  Rehabilitation done properly often extends towards 10+months, and there is a high association between ACL rupture and osteoarthritis in later age
- females are more susceptible to ACL injury than males
- ACL injury risk is higher earlier in games; can occur in contact or non-contact situations;  & are most frequent when the foot is positioned outside from the body
- until recently, most complete ACL ruptures underwent surgery.... there is now increasing evidence that some specific types of ACL ruptures can heal without surgery (best results are achieved with specific knee bracing protocols)
- rehabilitation progression based on assessment criteria rather than date is best for an excellent long term outcome, and lower re-injury risk.  For example, rather than return to running being based on 3 months post-surgery; return to running once the individual can perform >15 single leg squats, >20 single leg calf raises, >20 single leg bridges, and >15 repeated vertical hops leads to long better outcomes

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