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Evidence Informed Physiotherapy

Hip Joint Impingement


- femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) is a common problem among dancers, runners and those who play agility-based sports.  Females are at higher risk than males (67% of presenting with FAI) (Hale et al 2021)
- two hip bone shapes (CAM-type and pincer-type) are more likely to experience FAI, however it is also know that many people have these hip bone shapes and never experience FAI, nor develop hip joint osteoarthritis
- conservative management includes maintaining hip movement, back & pelvic muscle control exercises, hip external rotator & gluteal strengthening, balance & proprioception exercises, & flexibility for the hip joint muscles
- the Warwick agreement on FAI management also concluded that surgery should only be done on the basis of current symptoms - not in an attempt to lower the change of future hip joint osteoarthritis

FAI Warwick.jpg

Hale RF, Melugin HP, Zhou J, LaPrade MD, Bernard C, Leland D, Levy BA, Krych AJ. Incidence of Femoroacetabular Impingement and Surgical Management Trends Over Time. Am J Sports Med. 2021 Jan;49(1):35-41

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